供应链韧性评价指标体系和评价方法研究综述 刘丹,闫军,周宇航,等
Review on Evaluation Index System and Evaluation Method of Supply Chain Resilience LIU Dan, YAN Jun, ZHOU Yuhang, et al.
冷链物流从业人员职业能力评价指标体系建构研究——基于3省15位行业专家的德尔菲法分析 马红波,张婷,程明,等
Research on Construction of Professional Competency Evaluation Index System for Cold Chain Logistics Practitioners: Based on Delphi Analysis Involving 15 Industry Experts from 3 Provinces MA Hongbo, ZHANG Ting, CHENG Ming, et al.
生鲜农产品流通渠道以及发展路径研究 徐红
Study on Circulation Channel and Development Path of Fresh Agricultural Products XU Hong
工程设备国际运输包装管理评价指标体系构建与应用——以H公司为例 李安
Construction and Application of Evaluation Index System for International Transportation Packaging Management of Engineering Equipment: Taking Company H as Example LI An
低价竞争对民营快递行业的影响 张甜,王文星
Impact of Low-price Competition on Private Express Delivery Industry ZHANG Tian, WANG Wenxing
考虑供货率的汽车售后零部件物流库存优化模型与算法 陈杰,程诚,张喆,等
Model and Algorithm for Automobile After-sales Parts Logistics and Inventory Optimization Considering Supply Rate CHEN Jie, CHENG Cheng, ZHANG Zhe, et al.
唐钢公司成品运输车辆调度研究 王一丹,史志明,张堃,等
Dispatching of Transportation Vehicles for Finished Products of Tangsteel Company
WANG Yidan, SHI Zhiming, ZHANG Kun, et al.
时变环境下基于自适应遗传算法的模糊绿色车辆路径问题 朱颢
Fuzzy Green Vehicle Routing Problem Based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm in Time-varying Environment ZHU Hao
“一带一路”背景下多式联运对我国出口影响的实证分析 张娜,张颖慧,明华阳,等
Empirical Analysis of Impact of Multimodal Transport on Export Trade of China in Context of "One Belt and One Road" Initiative ZHANG Na, ZHANG Yinghui, MING Huayang, et al.
基于因子分析法的陕西省物流业高质量发展水平评价 赵洁琼
Evaluation of High-quality Development Level of Logistics Industry in Shaanxi Province Based on Factor Analysis ZHAO Jieqiong
液化石油气铁路罐车运输风险预警模型及应用 董姣姣,李路遥,徐晓华
Risk Early Warning Model for Railway Tanker Transportation of Liquefied Petroleum Gas and Its Application DONG Jiaojiao, LI Luyao, XU Xiaohua
基于因子分析法的上市物流公司盈利能力评价 邵可盈
Evaluation of Profitability of Listed Logistics Companies Based on Factor Analysis SHAO Keying
中欧班列回程集拼中心选址与路径优化 黄程浩
Site Selection and Route Optimization of China-Europe Train Backhaul Consolidation Center HUANG Chenghao
基于模糊AHP的Q公司物流服务质量评价 俞江炜,孙琪
Evaluation of Logistics Service Quality of Company Q Based on Fuzzy AHP YU Jiangwei, SUN Qi
基于因子分析和聚类分析的货运机场界定分类 姜忠男,杨绪彪
Definition and Classification of Cargo Airports Based on Factor Analysis and Cluster Analysis JIANG Zhongnan, YANG Xubiao
基于遗传算法的南阳顺丰速运配送路径优化 宁晓利,王法波
Distribution Path Optimization for Nanyang SF Express Based on Genetic Algorithm
NING Xiaoli, WANG Fabo
Research on Relationship between Airport Transort Capacity and Regional Economy Based on VAR Model: A Case Study of Su’nan Shuofang Airport SHEN Wei, WU Sang
基于二元语义-TOPSIS法的中欧班列集结中心选址 王文静
Location Selection of China-Europe Freight Train Assembly Center Based on Binary Semantics-TOPSIS Method WANG Wenjing
我国跨国制造企业供应链结构与协同机制 林兵,李儒晶,张西林
Supply Chain Structure and Coordination Mechanism of Chinese Multinational Manufacturing Enterprises LIN Bing, LI Rujing, ZHANG Xilin
海峡两岸农产品供应链标准共通研究 张金梅
Research on Universal Standards of Agricultural Product Supply Chains across Taiwan Strait ZHANG Jinmei
时间敏感性供应链O2O协同机制研究 杨阁,王从辉,张敏
Research on O2O Collaboration Mechanism of Time-sensitive Supply Chain
YANG Ge, WANG Conghui, ZHANG Min
基于SLP的电机制造厂生产车间布局优化及仿真 郭姣,段颖豪,郭飞宇
SLP-based Workshop Layout Optimization and Simulation for Motor Manufacturing Plant GUO Jiao, DUAN Yinghao, GUO Feiyu
医院运输机器人的局部路径规划改进方法 杨凌云,陈花,赵岩,等
Improvement of Local Path Planning for Hospital Transportation Robots
YANG Lingyun, CHEN Hua, ZHAO Yan, et al.
直接强度法在货架立柱设计中的应用 王明正
Application of Direct Strength Method in Shelf Column Design WANG Mingzheng
UWB和RFID技术在高铁集装器站场管理中的应用 刘斌,李志海,王锋,等
Application of UWB and RFID Technologies in Managemen of High-Speed Railway Container Stations LIU Bin, LI Zhihai, WANG Feng, et al.
基于5G的计量样品库智慧管理系统研究 岑志波,王佩君,刘伟芳,等
Research on 5G-based Intelligent Management System of Measuring Instrument Sample Warehouse CEN Zhibo, WANG Peijun, LIU Weifang, et al.
一种基于深度特征选择模型的车货匹配算法 刘存
Vehicle-cargo Matching Algorithm Based on Deep Feature Selection Model LIU Cun
基于保障率和节油率的油料供应标准量值预测方法 林世岗,林初晓,易新
Prediction Method of POL Supply Standard Value Based on Guarantee Rate and Fuel Saving Rate LIN Shigang, LIN Chuxiao, YI Xin
智能化仓储环境监控微型实验装置开发及教学实践 王妙春,甘明,姜玉宏,等
Development and Teaching Practice of Micro-experimental Device for Intelligent Warehouse Environment Monitoring WANG Miaochun, GAN Ming, JIANG Yuhong, et al.
随机动态条件下车辆维修器材采购问题研究 刘中富,王凤忠,毛昱,等
Research on Issues in Vehicle Maintenance Supplies Procurement under Stochastic Dynamic Conditions LIU Zhongfu, WANG Fengzhong, MAO Yu, et al.
Curriculum Construction and Reform of "Digital Three-dimensional Classroom": Taking "Supply Chain and Logistics Management" Course as Example
SHENG Guojun, ZHANG Xiaoli, GAO Mingjing
航空物流专业方向的立体式实践教学体系构建 王国保,刘晓玉
Construction of Three-dimensional Practical Teaching System for Aviation Logistics Specialty
WANG Guobao, LIU Xiaoyu
Research on Relationship between Teaching Environment and Learning Adaptability of Logistics Specialty Courses in Context of Digital Transformation LIANG Chen, XU Yang, DING Lei
行业特色型高校物流管理专业产教融合建设探索与实践——以江苏科技大学为例 吴影辉,王建,李晓萍
Exploration and Practice of Industry-education Integration for Logistics Management Specialty of Industry-characteristic Universities: Taking Jiangsu University of Science and Technology as Example WU Yinghui, WANG Jian, LI Xiaoping
地方大学物流管理专业应用型人才培养探索与实践 张晓敏,王洪伟,刘国栋,等
Exploration and Practice of Application-oriented Talent Cultivation of Logistics Management Specialty in Local Universities ZHANG Xiaomin, WANG Hongwei, LIU Guodong, et al.
基于物流专业视域下本科毕业生毕业落实去向对策研究——以贵州省Q高校为例 薛韩刚,陈芳芳,龚婷婷
Research on Undergraduate Employment Destination Strategies from Perspective of Logistics Major Students: Taking University Q in Guizhou as Example
XUE Hangang, CHEN Fangfang, GONG Tingting
后疫情时代下区块链技术嵌入“采购管理”的教学模式改革 郝丽,杨玉娟
Teaching Reform of Purchasing Management Course by Embedding Blockchain Technology in Post Epidemic Era HAO Li, YANG Yujuan
Reform and Practice of Group Teaching for First-class Logistics Engineering Specialty Courses in Context of "Double Carbon" Objective CHEN Mingming, DUAN Manzhen, JIA Hongmei, et al.
精准思政视角下高职“仓储与配送管理实务”课程思政教学设计探索 蓝程杰,阮晓芳
Teaching Design of Warehousing and Distribution Management Practice Course-embedded Ideological and Political Education in Higher Vocational Colleges: A Precise Education Perspective LAN Chengjie, RUAN Xiaofang
产教融合背景下物流管理专业实训课程教学改革——以智慧物流末端综合实训课程为例 张玲,劳国炜,吴克雄
Teaching Reform of Practical Training Course for Logistics Management Specialty under Background of Integration of Production and Education: A Case Study of Comprehensive Practical Training Courses of Intelligent Logistics Terminal
ZHANG Ling, LAO Guowei, WU Kexiong
基于企业数据大赛的大学生供应链数据分析能力培养 林萍,伍琳瑜
Cultivation of Supply Chain Data Analysis Abilities of College Students through Enterprise Data Competition LIN Ping, WU Linyu