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物流技术, 2023, 42(05): 1-    
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1.基于联盟区块链的网络货运平台交易流程规范性研究      甘卫华,王磊,曹坪,等

Research on Transaction Process Compliance of Online Freight Platform Based on Consortium Blockchain

GAN Weihua, WANG Lei, CAO Ping, et al.



Research on Circulation Industry Policy in China: a Policy Instrument Angle Based on Quantitative Analysis of 51 Policy Texts

CHEN Haodong, HE Yueying

3.风险承担、产权性质对物流企业绩效的影响研究         马有才,王秋霞

Research on Impact of Risk-taking and Property Right on Performance of Logistics Enterprises

MA Youcai, WANG Qiuxia

4.交通强国战略背景下湖北省交通物流发展实施路径研究    熊巧,石君,王遥飞,等

Research on Implementation Path of Transportation and Logistics Development in Hubei in Context of Transportation Power Strategy

XIONG Qiao, SHI Jun, WANG Yaofei, et al.

5.数字福建赋能下厦门社区物流终端配送优化                 郑丽娟,王萌真

Optimization of Community Terminal Distribution in Xiamen under Digital-empowered Economic Development in Fujian

ZHENG Lijuan, WANG Yinzhen

6.集装箱运输专用通道研究——以上海港为例               刘艺,鲁斌,游克思,等

Research on Dedicated Container Transportation Channel: Taking Shanghai Port as Example

LIU Yi, LU Bin, YOU Kesi, et al.

7.数字经济驱动下武汉市智慧物流体系构建研究              余家祥,索馨,王勋,等

Research on Construction of Intelligent Logistics System in Wuhan Driven by Digital Economy

YU Jiaxiang, SUO Xin, WANG Xun, et al.

8.西部地区企业对物流人才需求的调研分析                    欧阳明慧,戴德锋

Research and Analysis on Demand for Logistics Talents by Enterprises in Western China

OUYANG Minghui, DAI Defeng



9.基于复杂网络的企业供应链核心节点识别方法                    胡松,杨贝

Method for Identifying Core Nodes in Enterprise Supply Chain Based on Complex Network

HU Song, YANG Bei

10.新冠疫情下航空物流托运选择关键影响因素识别                 沈丹阳,范德山

Identification of Key Factors Influencing Selection of Aviation Logistics Consignor under COVID-19 Epidemic

SHEN Danyang, FAN Deshan

11.数字经济时代黑龙江省区域经济与物流业时空耦合演变研究          王莎,赵淑雯

Research on Spatio-temporal Coupling Evolution of Regional Economy and Logistics Industry in Heilongjiang Province in Digital Economy Era

WANG Sha, ZHAO Shuwen

12.O2O模式下外卖合单配送路径优化                               何春贵,蒋惠园

Optimization of Combined-order Takeaway Delivery Route under O2O Mode

HE Chungui, JIANG Huiyuan

13.遵义市物流业与新型城镇化互动关系研究                     姬红霞,罗艺,李莉

Research on Interaction between Logistics Industry and New Urbanizationin Zunyi City

JI Hongxia, LUO Yi, LI Li

14.社区团购模式下生鲜电商物流服务满意度影响因素的实证研究   李丽,王秀梅,陈志祥

Empirical Study on Influencing Factors of Fresh E-commerce Logistics Service Satisfaction under Community Group Purchase Mode

LI Li, WANG Xiumei, CHEN Zhixiang

15.随机需求下连锁零售企业的LIRP问题集成优化研究            钱叶霞,陈湉

Research on Integrated LIRP Optimization for Chain Retail Enterprises with Stochastic Demand

QIAN Yexia, CHEN Tian

16.基于模糊层次分析法的农产品跨境电商物流模式选择          王会颖,邓方江

Selection of Agricultural Products Cross-border E-commerce Logistics Mode Based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process

WANG Huiying, DENG Fangjiang

17.疫情下基于petri网的国际航空货运进口流程建模与分析        丁兆军,石丽娜

Modeling and Analysis of International Air Cargo Import Process Based on Petri Nets under Epidemic Outbreak

DING Zhaojun, SHI Lina

18.疫情防控背景下城市快递末端配送满意度调查                        胡茜

Research on Satisfaction of Urban Express Terminal Delivery under Background of Epidemic Prevention and Control

HU Qian



Spatial Layout Analysis of E-commerce Logistics Enterprises in Zhengzhou Based on POI Data

HUANG Guangzhi, HUANG Jincan, ZHANG Chenhui, et al.



Urban Logistics Demand Forecasting Model Based on Market Segmentation Theory and its Applicationa Case Study of Guangzhou

YI Bin, SONG Cheng, XING Xiaohui, et al.

21.改进蚁群算法在低碳冷链物流路径优化中的应用           周纹萱,徐伟

Application of Improved Ant Colony Algorithm in Low-carbon Cold Chain Logistics Routing Optimization

ZHOU Wenxuan, XU Wei



22.基于双渠道闭环供应链的退役飞机回收决策分析            赵桂红,荆俞滋

Analysis of Decision-making in Decommissioned Aircraft Recycling in Dual-channel Closed-loop Supply Chain

ZHAO Guihong, JING Yuzi

23.碳中和奖惩下考虑环境目标的闭环供应链决策与协调        高天,申彦,廖培懿,等

Decision-making and Coordination of An Environmentally-concerned Closed-loop Supply Chain under Carbon-neutrality Merit System

GAO Tian, SHEN Yan, LIAO Peiyi, et al.

24.基于KMV模型航运供应链金融信用风险测度研究                   高建豪,闫磊

Research on Measurement of Financial Credit Risk of Shipping Supply Chain Based on KMV Model

GAO Jianhao, Yan Lei

25.后疫情时代来宾市应急供应链抗风险能力评估                 覃兆祥,邓芊芊

Evaluation on Risk Resistance Capacityof Emergency Supply Chain in Laibin in Post Epidemic Era

QIN Zhaoxiang, DENG Qianqian





Kinematic Analysis and Improved Design of a Type of Four-way Shuttle In-situ 90° Reversing Mechanism

GAN Yu, LIU Ming, GU Huiqing

27.采用液压制动机构的小型无动力平板拖车设计                 朱玲丽,严平

Design of Small Unpowered Flatbed Trailer Using Hydraulic Braking Mechanism

ZHU Lingli, YAN Ping




28.危险货物道路运输电子运单联网查询技术框架研究        田诗慧,范文姬,赵亿滨

Research on Technical Framework for Electronic Waybill Online Query in Highway Transportation of Dangerous Goods

TIAN Shihui, FAN Wenji, ZHAO Yibin





29.《采购管理》课程思政元素融入教学的探索与实践               李傲寒

Teaching Exploration and Practice of Procurement Management Course Integrated with Ideological and Political Elements

LI Aohan

30.智慧物流背景下职业院校现代物流管理专业培养模式改革研究       王丽丹

Training Mode Reform of Modern Logistics Management Specialty in Vocational Colleges under Background of Intelligent Logistics

WANG Lidan

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               出版日期:  2023-05-01      发布日期:  2023-07-12      整期出版日期:  2023-05-01
. 2023-05[J]. 物流技术, 2023, 42(05): 1-.
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