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1. 2023-03
物流技术    2023, 42 (03): 1-.  
摘要   PDF (11424KB)  


双碳目标下南通低碳城市交通转型路径研究     曹石,林欣蓉,周典伟,等

Research on Path of Low-carbon Transformation of Urban Transportation Industry in Nantong under Carbon Peaking and Carbon Neutrality Objective

CAO Shi, LIN Xinrong, ZHOU Dianwei, et al.

快递包装绿色化研究现状                                  张正昊

Current Status of Green Express Packaging Researches

ZHANG Zhenghao

元宇宙背景下的数字交通新模式研究                  赵光辉,张琦,金波

Research on Development of New Digital Transportation Infrastructure in Context of Metaverse Transportation Technology

ZHAO Guanghui1,2, ZHANG Qi3

供应链视角下互联网医院运营模式研究                   汪文晶,祝锡永

Research on Operation Mode of Internet Hospitals: A Supply Chain Perspective

WANG Wenjing, ZHU Xiyong

咸宁市主要货物流量流向和通道分析研究             胡晓佳,熊巧,胡海,等

Research on Flow and Direction of Main Cargoes and Logistics Channels in Xianning City

HU Xiaojia, XIONG Qiao, HU Hai, et al.



基于改进TOPSIS的我国区域物流竞争力评价          王春迎,琚春华,鲍福光

Evaluation of Regional Logistics Competitiveness in China Based on Improved TOPSIS

WANG Chunying, JU Chunhua, BAO Fuguang

京津冀物流产业集群与区域经济关系研究               耿立艳,赵璿,张占福

Research on Relationship between Logistics Industry Cluster and Regional Economy in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region

GENG Liyan, ZHAO Xuan, ZHANG Zhanfu

考虑新鲜度的多目标绿色冷链路径优化问题与算法     徐宁,秦邱皓,王天宇,等

Multi-objective Green Cold Chain Route Optimization Considering Freshness: Problem and Algorithm

XU Ning, QIN Qiuhao, WANG Tianyu

基于层次分析法的JD物流B2C配送服务客户满意度影响因素分析   梁蕴泽,刘晓燕

Analysis of Factors Influencing Customer Satisfaction of JD Logistics B2C Distribution Service Based on AHP

LIANG Yunze, LIU Xiaoyan

取送货路径优化问题的候鸟群自适应变邻域搜索算法                 崔沐涵

Migratory Bird Optimization Adaptive Variable Neighborhood Search Algorithm for Pickup and Delivery Routing Optimization

CUI Muhan

考虑离岛地区出行需求特征的需求响应式公交运营优化    李博楠,陈东旭,邬珊华

Optimization of Demand-responsive Bus Operation Considering Travel Demand Characteristics in Outlying Islands

LI Bonan, CHEN Dongxu, WU Shanhua

云模型在中小机场管制保障能力评价中的应用         唐卫贞,杨明明,孙维璟,等

Application of Cloud Model in Control and Support Capability Evaluation of Small and Medium-sized Airports

TANG Weizhen, YANG Mingming, SUN Weijing, et al.

考虑客户分级的冷链物流多温共配车辆路径优化           未来,刘翱,邓旭东,等

Vehicle Routing Optimization in Cold Chain Logistics Multi-temperature Co-distribution Considering Customer Classification

WEI Lai, LIU Ao, DENG Xudong, et al.

应急物流配送中心规划与仿真                           马向国,王世锋,徐峰彬

Planning and Simulation of Emergency Logistics Distribution Center

MA Xiangguo, WANG Shifeng, XU Fengbin



基于复杂网络的闭环供应链风险传播模型构建及仿真       李文川,李卓娅,黄影

Construction and Simulation of Closed-loop Supply Chain Risk Propagation Model Based on Complex Network

LI Wenchuan, LI Zhuoya, HUANG Ying

供应链集中度对流通企业绩效的影响                          张婉琳,唐丰收

Influence of Supply Chain Concentration on Performance of Circulation Enterprises

ZHANG Wanlin, TANG Fengshou

考虑价格风险的供应链混合合约决策                     曾利飞,王瑞,鲁其辉

Supply Chain Decision-making Considering Price Risk Based on Hybrid Contract

ZENG Lifei, WANG Rui, LU Qihui

低碳背景下港口物流服务供应链运作效率影响要素分析           徐文平,王增辉

Influencing Factors of Operation Efficiency of Port Logistics Service Supply Chain in Context of Low Carbon Development

XU Wenping, WANG Zenghui

平台型供应链生态系统健康度评价研究                          刘敏,周廉东

Ecosystem Health Evaluation of Platform Supply Chain

LIU Min, ZHOU Liandong

供应链融资模式下的农产品订货及定价策略                           靳荣利

Agricultural Products Ordering and Pricing Strategy under Supply Chain Financing Mode

JIN Rongli



铁路超限货物非接触式快速测量装置方案设计             陈春燕,刘斌,郝毅

Scheme Design of Non-contact Rapid Measuring Device for Railway Out-of-gauge Goods

CHEN Chunyan, LIU Bin, HAO Yi

基于独立式PLC的烟草高架库安全联锁装置研究                  乔晓魁

Research on Safety Interlock of Tobacco High Rack Warehouses Based on Independent PLC

QIAO Xiaokui




基于区块链的生鲜冷链物流追溯系统设计与实现                 山红梅,张云

Design and Implementation of Fresh Cold Chain Logistics Traceability System Based on Blockchain

SHAN Hongmei, ZHANG Yun

基于数字控制塔的电网物资供应链战略运营转型       董元龙,林明晖,岳衡,等

Research on Strategic Operation Transformation of Power Grid Material Supply Chain Based on Digital Control Tower

DONG Yuanlong, LIN Minghui, YUE Heng, et al.



Design and Application of Public Information Service Platform for Circular Packaging Boxes Based on Micro-service Architecture

SHU Hongxiang, CHEN Chengdong, WU Xiaoyuan, et al.



地方高校应用型物流管理人才培养的探索与实践          鄢曹政,贾静,殷旅江,等

Exploration and Practice of Application-oriented Logistics Management Talent Cultivation in Local Colleges

YAN Caozheng, JIA Jing, YIN Lvjiang, et al.

应用型物流管理人才的职业能力培养研究物流系统分析与设计课程为例  刘欣  

Research on Vocational Ability Training of Applied Logistics Management Talents: A Case Study of Logistics System Analysis and Design Course

LIU Xin                                         

跨境电商形势下高职物流英语教学改革探析                            廖燕莲

Analysis on Teaching Reform of Higher Vocational Logistics English Education in Context of Cross-border E-commerce

LIAO Yanlian

产教融合视角下的校企合作物流实训基地建设探索              陈光,董博,李珊珊

Exploration on Construction of School-Enterprise Cooperative Logistics Training Base from Perspective of Industry-Education Integration

CHEN Guang, DONG Bo, LI Shanshan

相关文章 | 多维度评价
2. 2023-06
物流技术    2023, 42 (06): 1-.  
摘要   PDF (10509KB)  


乡村振兴背景下的农村物流研究热点分析                        巫刚,袁智文

Analysis of Hotspots of Rural Logistics Researches in Context of Rural Revitalization

WU Gang, YUAN Zhiwen

制造业供应链创新生态系统治理机制研究                        徐意,王琦峰

Research on Governance Mechanism of Supply Chain Innovation Ecosystem in Manufacturing Industry

XU Yi, WANG Qifeng

突发公共卫生事件应急物流保障能力提升策略               姜玉宏,林勇,王丰

Strategies for Improving Emergency Logistics Support Capacity in Outbreak of Public Health Events

JIANG Yuhong, LIN Yong, WANG Feng

广西偏远乡镇“快递进村”经营模式探讨                       蒋沁燕,李亚琦

Discussion on "Delivery to Village" Operation Mode in Remote Villages and Rural Towns in Guangxi

JIANG Qinyan, LI Yaqi

长江经济带战略下湖北物流业发展研究                             杨晋

Study on Development of Logistics Industry in Hubei Province under Yangtze River Economic Belt Strategy


海南建材物流发展现状与对策研究                                 李华

Development Status and Countermeasures of Building Materials Logistics in Hainan Province

LI Hua

快递包装物回收利用相关主题法律义务之完善                       孙文亚

Improvement of Legal Obligations of Related Subjects of Express Packaging Recycling

SUN Wenya

信用证结算下国际海运非清洁提单的处理                       周凌轲,胡仁

Handling of Dirty Bills of Lading for International Maritime Shipping under Letter of Credit Based Settlement System

ZHOU Lingke, HU Ren



Impact of Population Migration on Regional Innovation and Entrepreneurship Based on Perspective of Entrepreneurial Ecosystem

XIE Zhimin, QIAO Fangqi, CHEN Chong






Research on Improvement of Urban Aviation Logistics Matching Ability: an Empirical Study Based on Six Airport-type National Logistics Hub Cities

SHEN Danyang, LIU Jiao, LIU Ximeng

离散制造系统环境下基于深度Q学习的AGV路径规划  房殿军,周彬彬,赵春苗,等

Research on AGV Path Planning Based on Deep Q Learning under Discrete Manufacturing System Environment

FANG Dianjun, ZHOU Binbin, ZHAO Chunmiao, et al.

冷藏集装箱堆场空箱翻箱优化研究                      朱明明,于越,唐丽敏,等

Optimization Research on Empty Container Turnover in Reefer Container Yard

ZHU Mingming, YU Yue, TANG Limin, et al.

价值网视角下跨境电商物流多主体价值共创演化博弈             陈志刚,李颢

Evolutionary Game of Value Co-creation by Multiple Cross-border E-commerce Logistics Agents: a Value Network Perspective

CHEN Zhigang, LI Hao

基于熵权-TOPSIS法的港口集疏运能力的评价              汪超凡,刘桂云,卢春林

Evaluation of Harbor Consolidation and Distribution Capacity Based on Entropy Weight-TOPSIS Method

WANG Chaofan, LIU Guiyun, LU Chunlin

基于演化博弈的智慧物流园区协同创新研究                   江心英,叶大帅

Research on Collaborative Innovation of Intelligent Logistics Parks Based on Evolutionary Game

JIANG Xinying, YE Dashuai

政府管制下宠物交寄的三方博弈分析                           张云川,董雪勤

Analysis of Tripartite Game in Pet Delivery under Government Regulation

ZHANG Yunchuan, DONG Xueqin



基于贝叶斯网络的复杂产品供应链关键质量损失源诊断                 王丽

Diagnosis of Critical Quality Sources in Complex Product Supply Chain Based on Bayesian Network


利他偏好下考虑回收质量不确定的闭环供应链定价决策             孙焕焕,高天

Pricing Decision of Closed-loop Supply Chain Considering Uncertain Recycling Quality with Altruistic Preference

SUN Huanhuan, GAO Tian

生鲜农产品社区团购供应链仿真优化                               陈月琳,李玉

Simulation and Optimization of Fresh Agricultural Product Community Group Purchase Supply Chain

CHEN Yuelin, LI Yufeng

基于DEMATEL-AISM的应急供应链弹性影响因素分析              徐文平,陆羽

Analysis of Influencing Factors of Emergency Supply Chain Resilience Based on DEMATEL-AISM

XU Wenping, LU Yu




核电备件计划性需求预测模型评价方法研究              谢宏志,邓孝林,邓重庆

Planning Demand Forecasting Model and Method for Nuclear Power Spare Parts

XIE Hongzhi, DENG Xiaolin, DENG Chongqing

基于改进GoogLeNet的汽车仓储库区障碍物分类识别方法         李士林,江浩斌

Research on Obstacle Classification and Recognition in Automobile Storage Area Based on Improved GoogLeNet

LI Shilin, JIANG Haobin

基于平衡记分卡的造船企业采购绩效评价                         郑碧花

Procurement Performance Evaluation of Shipbuilding Enterprises Based on Balanced Scorecard


汽车工厂大件上线编组负荷计算模型                  杨凯,张虹,蒲诗思,等

Work Load Calculation Model of On-line Marshalling of Large Parts in Automobile Factory

YANG Kai, ZHANG Hong, PU Shisi, et al.






航空物流枢纽发展指数数据平台的设计与实现      刘源,于佳鑫,宋志刚,等

Design and Implementation of Aviation Logistics Hub Development Index Data Platform

LIU Yuan, YU Jiaxin, SONG Zhigang, et al.

物联网环境下EPCIS数据优化及实证分析                李钟石,蔡珉官

Optimization and Empirical Analysis of EPCIS Data in Internet of Things Environment

LI Zhongshi, CAI Minguan




智能仓储管理系统在导弹保障中的应用            杨波,颜士肖,胡攀辉,等

Application of Intelligent Warehouse Management System in Missile Support

YANG Bo, YAN Shixiao, HU Panhui, et al.




高职课程思政整体教学设计与实施——以《国际货运代理实务》为例       李飞诚

Design and Implementation of Integrated Teaching of Course Embedded Ideological and Political Education in Higher Vocational Colleges: Taking Practice of International Freight Forwarders Course as Example

LI Feicheng


——以安徽大学物流管理专业为例            汪宁宁,杨涛,张梦颖

Teaching Innovation and Reform of Operation Management Course Based on Enterprise Demanda Case Study of Logistics Management Specialty of Anhui University

WANG Ningning, YANG Tao, ZHANG Mengying

高职物流专业课程思政探索与实践——以《物流学概论》课程为例    刘雪雪,杨志鹏

Exploration and Practice of Ideological and Political Elements in Higher Vocational Logistics Specialty Courses: Taking "Introduction to Logistics" as Example

LIU Xuexue, YANG Zhipeng

虚拟现实技术在《物流装备与技术》实验教学的改革实践                 林芳

OBE-PDCA Reform Practice of Experimental Teaching of "Logistics Equipment and Technology" Based on Virtual Reality Technology: Taking Guangdong Technology College as Example

LIN Fang


——以中德联合“一带一路”调研项目为例       殷辉,李晓雪,宋媛

Research on Practical Teaching Reform of Economics and Management Related Specialties in Local Universities Based on German FH Model: Taking Sino-German "Belt and Road Initiative" Joint Research Project as Example

YIN Hui, LI Xiaoxue, SONG Yuan


相关文章 | 多维度评价
3. 2023-04#br#
物流技术    2023, 42 (04): 1-.  
摘要   PDF (8243KB)  


甩挂运输综述   张燕宏,杨光敏

Review of Drop and Pull Transport

ZHANG Yanhong, YANG Guangmin

武汉交通枢纽经济高质量发展对策研究   王军丽,刘琪,王梅英

Countermeasures of High-quality Development of Transportation Hub Economy in Wuhan

WANG Junli, LIU Qi, WANG Meiying

物流领域区块链研究的路径、热点及趋势分析    李牵,吴金红

Analysis of Path, Hotspot and Trend of Blockchain Research in Logistics Field

LI Qian, WU Jinhong

汽车零部件入厂物流优化研究综述  黄颖冰,吴彩琳,施月杏,等

Review of Researches on Optimization of Auto Parts Inbound Logistics

HUANG Yingbing, WU Cailin, SHI Yuexing, et al.

武汉市低成本高效率现代物流体系研究   熊巧,余家祥,王遥飞,等

Research on Low-cost High-efficiency Modern Logistics System in Wuhan

XIONG Qiao, YU Jiaxiang, WANG Yaofei, et al.

物流企业绿色转型风险分析及防范   王玉琪

Analysis and Prevention of Risk Exposure of Logistics Enterprises in Green Transformation



基于两阶段变邻域算法的载重关联低碳配送路径研究   徐宁,姚康,胡义秋

Load-associated Low-carbon Distribution Routing Optimization Based on Two-stage Variable Neighborhood Algorithm

XU Ning, YAO Kang, HU Yiqiu

双渠道生鲜供应链中电商平台需求信息共享决策研究   韩琛琛,孟利清

Decision-making on Demand Information Sharing of E-commerce Platform in Dual-channel Fresh Food Supply Chain

HAN Chenchen, MENG Liqing

一种应急物资无人机末端配送任务分配方法   赵桂红,张腾飞

A Task Allocation Method for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Terminal Distribution of Emergency Materials

ZHAO Guihong, ZHANG Tengfei

基于VAR模型的海口港港口物流与海口市经济协调发展研究   侯媛媛,丁莉,魏艳

Research on Coordinated Development of Port Logistics and Municipal Economy in Haikou Based on VAR Model

HOU Yuanyuan, DING Li, WEI Yan

基于耦合协调度的安徽港口群协同发展评价研究   刘玲,周桂琴,张廷龙Research on Evaluation of Coordinated Development of Anhui Port Cluster Based on Coupling Degree

LIU Ling, Zhou Guiqin, ZHANG Tinglong

基于受灾点互相救援的应急物资分配方法研究       郭清娥

Research on Method of Emergency Supplies Allocation Considering Mutual Relief among Disaster-stricken Points
GUO Qing'e

基于结构方程模型的快递包装绿色回收研究——以苏州大学为例    占李洋

Research on Recycling of Green Express Packaging Based on Structural Equation Model: Taking Soochow University as Example

ZHAN Liyang

基于情景推演的应急物资调拨动态优化模型研究   朱兵

Research on Dynamic Optimization Model of Emergency Supplies Allocation Based on Scenario Deduction

ZHU Bing

城市应急救援物资运输路径优化    尹阳,徐雅欣

Optimization of Transport Route of Urban Emergency Supplies

YIN Yang, XU Yaxin

基于产品相关性的线上销售平台最小拆单率问题研究    刘明,祖峰,陈中民,等

Research on the Minimum Order Splitting Rate of Online Sales Platform Based on Product Relevance

LIU Ming, ZU Feng, CHEN Zhongmin, et al.

基于遗传算法的自动化立体仓库货位优化研究     马向国,刘旭,赵香玉

Cargo Space Optimization of Automatic Warehouse Based on Genetic Algorithm

MA Xiangguo, LIU Xu, ZHAO Xiangyu

基于源抑制的转运中心货运量控制机制    黄晓俊,徐劲松

Freight Volume Control Mechanism of Transshipment Center Based on Source Quench

HUANG Xiaojun, XU Jinsong

襄阳建设生产服务型国家物流枢纽的竞争力评价分析   肖和英,陈希,左雷,等

Competitiveness Evaluation of Construction of Production and Service Oriented National Logistics Hub City in Xiangyang

XIAO Heying, CHEN Xi, ZUO Lei, et al.


基于RFID技术的再制造闭环供应链差别定价策略研究   黄影,李文川,李卓娅

Research on Differential Pricing Strategy of Remanufacturing Closed-loop Supply Chain with RFID Technology

HUANG Ying, LI Wenchuan, LI Zhuoya

不确定环境下云制造服务供应链组合鲁棒优化   王平,王者

Research on Combinatorial Robust Optimization of Cloud Manufacturing Service Supply Chain in Uncertain Environment


基于直觉模糊混合VIKOR的制造企业供应链技术创新绩效评价研究  曹徐玮,王琦峰

Research on Evaluation of Supply Chain Technological Innovation Performance of Manufacturing Enterprises Based on Intuitionistic-fuzzy Hybrid VIKOR

CAO Xuwei, WANG Qifeng

航空制造供应链中的质量管理策略   马帅

Quality Management Strategy of Aviation Manufacturing Supply Chain

MA Shuai

定制家具企业供应链管理优化研究——以唯尚集团为例      李小玲

Optimization of Supply Chain Management for Custom Furniture Enterprises: Taking WISION Group as Example

LI Xiaoling


区块链架构下一种面向增强信任的C2M服装定制供应链智能合约实现机理研究      余真翰

Research on Implementation Mechanism of C2M Custom Clothing Supply Chain Smart Contract Based on Enhanced Trust under Blockchain Architecture

Yu Zhenhan


提升军校物流管理类在线课程建设质量的思考    谢鑫鹏,李凤菊,高东东

Thoughts on Improving Construction Quality of Online Logistics Management Courses in Military Academies

XIE Xinpeng, LI Fengju, GAO Dongdong

面向数字经济的供应链数字化管理课程体系研究   王长琼,黄花叶,祖巧红,等

Research on Digital Economy-oriented Supply Chain Digital Management Curricular System

WANG Zhangqiong, HUANG Huaye, ZU Qiaohong, et al.

研究生课程案例教学的探索与实践——以中国民航大学《航空物流概论》课程建设为例        赵冰

Exploration and Practice of Case Teaching in Graduate Courses: Taking Course Construction of "Introduction to Aviation Logistics" in Civil Aviation University of China as Example


高职民航运输专业课程思政融合效果评价优化方法研究     曹湘玲,孙晨赫

Effect Evaluation Optimization of Integration of Specialized Courses and Ideological and Political Education of Civil Aviation Transport Specialty in Higher Vocational Colleges

CAO Xiangling, SUN Chenhe

基于专题知识和历史事件的课程思政教学模式探索——以“大国物流:物畅其流”为例     鲍春生

Exploration of Course-embedded Ideological and Political Education Mode Based on Thematic Knowledge and Historical Events: Taking "Great-power Logistics: Unobstructed Flow of Everything" as Example

BAO Chunsheng

相关文章 | 多维度评价
4. 2023-07
物流技术    2023, 42 (07): 1-.  
摘要   PDF (10946KB)  


物流生态圈演化逻辑与动力机制研究   张中华

Research on Logics and Dynamic Mechanism of Logistics Ecosystem Evolution

………………………………………………………………………ZHANG Zhonghua

国际供应链领域人工智能研究热点及趋势——基于CiteSpace的知识图谱可视化分析   徐睦鉴,孔  婷

Hotspots and Trends of AI Research in International Supply Chain: a Visual Analysis of Knowledge Graph Based on CiteSpace…………………………XU Mujian, KONG Ting


Analysis on Improvement of Practical Ability of Logistics Engineering Master Students Based on Integration of Production and Education…………………………FANG Wei

基于理性选择理论的协同治超   华枫元

Collaborative Governance of Overload and Oversize Transportation Based on Rational Choice Theory…………………………………………………………HUA Fengyuan

后疫情时代适应产业调整的1+X证书制度实施路径重构——以民航货运业为例   李旭东,李淑艳,刘如意,等

Reconstruction of Implementation Path of 1+X Certification System Adapted to Industrial Adjustment in Post-Covid Era: Taking Civil Aviation Freight Transport Industry as Example…………………………………………LI Xudong, LI Shuyan, LIU Ruyi, et al.

乡村振兴战略下广西林业应用型物流人才培养   蒋沁燕,王永富

Training of Application-oriented Forestry Logistics Talents in Guangxi under Rural Revitalization Strategy…………………………………JIANG Qinyan, WANG Yongfu


Competitor Training Mode for Freight Forwarding Event in World Skills Competition under Perspective of Integration of Production and Education…………………SUN Xiao




物流景气指数与宏观经济指标的联动分析     江,吕浩然,广  敏,等

Analysis of Coupling between Logistics Prosperity Index and Macroeconomic Indicators

……………………………………………WU Jiang, LV Haoran, GUANG Min, et al.

数智化转型背景下物流企业投资项目价值评估——基于改进实物期权模型   董旭聪

Value Assessment of Logistics Enterprise Investment Projects in Context of Digital and Intelligent Transformation Based on Improved Real Option Model……………………………DONG Xucong

考虑直接转运的泊位与岸桥集成调度优化     阳,姜桂艳

Integrated Scheduling Optimization of Berths and Quay Cranes Considering Direct Transshipment

……………………………………………………………………SONG Yang, JIANG Guiyan

考虑交通限制的车辆与无人机协同混合配送路径研究     宁,胡义秋

Research on Vehicle and Drone Collaborative Mixed Delivery Route Considering Traffic Restriction

………………………………………………………………………………XU Ning, HU Yiqiu

基于因子分析法的物流上市公司财务绩效评价   徐崇烜

Financial Performance Evaluation of Listed Logistics Companies Based on Factor Analysis

…………………………………………………………………………………XU Chongxuan

后疫情时代生鲜冷链物流风险评估   李荷华,郭田森

Risk Assessment of Fresh Cold Chain Logistics in Post-Epidemic EraLI Hehua, GUO Tiansen

基于因子分析法的上市物流企业创新能力探究     硕,姚正海

Research on Innovation Capability of Listed Logistics Companies Based on Factor Analysis

……………………………………………………………………WANG Shuo, YAO Zhenghai

广西轴-辐式物流网络结构研究     玉,张  琛,朱  

Research on Hub-and-spoke Structure of Logistics Network in Guangxi

………………………………………………………………GU Yu, ZHANG Chen, ZHU Nian

后疫情时代高校菜鸟驿站服务质量满意度实证研究   干文艳,吴世军,王  

Empirical Study on Satisfaction of Service Quality of Cainiao Campus Courier Stations in Post-epidemic Era………………………………………GAN Wenyan, WU Shijun, WANG Ye



数字研发资金受限的农产品供应链融资决策   苏宁宁

Financing Decision of Agricultural Product Supply Chain with Digital R&D Funding Constraint

……………………………………………………………………………………SU Ningning

“双碳”目标下中小制造企业的供应链风险识别与评价   陈岚辉,李秋正

Supply Chain Risk Identification and Evaluation of Small and Medium-sized Manufacturing Enterprises under Carbon Peaking and Neutrality Objectives………CHEN Lanhui, LI Qiuzheng

考虑服务水平的零售商双渠道供应链定价   王轶凯,徐文平

Retailer Dual-channel Supply Chain Pricing Considering Service Level

……………………………………………………………………WANG Yikai, XU Wenping




Research on Improved Layout of Spray Paint Shop Based on Process Analysis and Route Analysis……………………………………………………………………………ZHOU Shuo



基于标准化集装器的高铁货运与城配联运信息化平台构建     斌,王  锋,李志海,等

Construction of Information Platform for High-Speed Railway and Urban Road Combined Freight Transport Based on Standardized Containers……LIU Bin, WANG Feng, LI Zhihai, et al.

轨道交通领域物资管理系统的分析与设计   杨文远,赵帅帅

Analysis and Design of Material Management System for Rail Transit

……………………………………………………………YANG Wenyuan, ZHAO Shuaishuai



现代军事物流军地协同保障风险管控研究综述   张国强,王清华,周兆璇,等

Literature Review on Management and Control of Risks in Modern Military-local Collaborative Logistics Support…………………ZHANG Guoqiang, WANG Qinghua, ZHOU Zhaoxuan, et al.

军事配送网络规划训练模拟系统设计   齐继东,刘伟男

Design of Military Distribution Network Planning Training Simulation System

…………………………………………………………………………QI Jidong, LIU Weinan

新时期武警部队应急油料保障问题与对策   贾贤补,石浩洋,许毅辉

Problems and Countermeasures of Emergency POL Support for Armed Police Force in New Era

……………………………………………………………JIA Xianbu, SHI Haoyang, XU Yihui




Combination of Course-embedded Ideological and Political Cases and Professional Contents Based on OBE-CDIO: Taking "China-Laos Railway Logistics Network Planning" as Example…………LUO Shen

基于线上线下混合教学的KPIL-Spark平台课教学模式探讨——以“运营与供应链管理”课程为例     华,吴  迪,兰欢欢

Discussion on KPIL-Spark Platform Course Online and Offline Hybrid Teaching Mode: Taking "Operation and Supply Chain Management" Course as Example………………FENG Hua, WU Di, LAN Huanhuan

能力培养为本位的工作手册式教材建设路径   刘晓燕

Construction Path of Manuals-style Textbooks Focused on Competence Training…………LIU Xiaoyan

高职“物流营销”课程的信息化教学设计——以“消费者购买行为的影响因素分析”为例   李小青

Information-based Teaching Design of Higher Vocational Logistics Marketing Course: TakingAnalysis of Influencing Factors of Consumer Purchasing BehaviorChapter as Example……………LI Xiaoqing

“产教融合”视域下培育高职物流专业时代新人的实践路径     娅,崔博文

Practical Path for Cultivating New-era Higher Vocational Logistics Talents: an Integration of Production and Education Perspective………………………………………………………SANG Ya, CUI Bowen

相关文章 | 多维度评价
5. 2023-05
物流技术    2023, 42 (05): 1-.  
摘要   PDF (8989KB)  


1.基于联盟区块链的网络货运平台交易流程规范性研究      甘卫华,王磊,曹坪,等

Research on Transaction Process Compliance of Online Freight Platform Based on Consortium Blockchain

GAN Weihua, WANG Lei, CAO Ping, et al.



Research on Circulation Industry Policy in China: a Policy Instrument Angle Based on Quantitative Analysis of 51 Policy Texts

CHEN Haodong, HE Yueying

3.风险承担、产权性质对物流企业绩效的影响研究         马有才,王秋霞

Research on Impact of Risk-taking and Property Right on Performance of Logistics Enterprises

MA Youcai, WANG Qiuxia

4.交通强国战略背景下湖北省交通物流发展实施路径研究    熊巧,石君,王遥飞,等

Research on Implementation Path of Transportation and Logistics Development in Hubei in Context of Transportation Power Strategy

XIONG Qiao, SHI Jun, WANG Yaofei, et al.

5.数字福建赋能下厦门社区物流终端配送优化                 郑丽娟,王萌真

Optimization of Community Terminal Distribution in Xiamen under Digital-empowered Economic Development in Fujian

ZHENG Lijuan, WANG Yinzhen

6.集装箱运输专用通道研究——以上海港为例               刘艺,鲁斌,游克思,等

Research on Dedicated Container Transportation Channel: Taking Shanghai Port as Example

LIU Yi, LU Bin, YOU Kesi, et al.

7.数字经济驱动下武汉市智慧物流体系构建研究              余家祥,索馨,王勋,等

Research on Construction of Intelligent Logistics System in Wuhan Driven by Digital Economy

YU Jiaxiang, SUO Xin, WANG Xun, et al.

8.西部地区企业对物流人才需求的调研分析                    欧阳明慧,戴德锋

Research and Analysis on Demand for Logistics Talents by Enterprises in Western China

OUYANG Minghui, DAI Defeng



9.基于复杂网络的企业供应链核心节点识别方法                    胡松,杨贝

Method for Identifying Core Nodes in Enterprise Supply Chain Based on Complex Network

HU Song, YANG Bei

10.新冠疫情下航空物流托运选择关键影响因素识别                 沈丹阳,范德山

Identification of Key Factors Influencing Selection of Aviation Logistics Consignor under COVID-19 Epidemic

SHEN Danyang, FAN Deshan

11.数字经济时代黑龙江省区域经济与物流业时空耦合演变研究          王莎,赵淑雯

Research on Spatio-temporal Coupling Evolution of Regional Economy and Logistics Industry in Heilongjiang Province in Digital Economy Era

WANG Sha, ZHAO Shuwen

12.O2O模式下外卖合单配送路径优化                               何春贵,蒋惠园

Optimization of Combined-order Takeaway Delivery Route under O2O Mode

HE Chungui, JIANG Huiyuan

13.遵义市物流业与新型城镇化互动关系研究                     姬红霞,罗艺,李莉

Research on Interaction between Logistics Industry and New Urbanizationin Zunyi City

JI Hongxia, LUO Yi, LI Li

14.社区团购模式下生鲜电商物流服务满意度影响因素的实证研究   李丽,王秀梅,陈志祥

Empirical Study on Influencing Factors of Fresh E-commerce Logistics Service Satisfaction under Community Group Purchase Mode

LI Li, WANG Xiumei, CHEN Zhixiang

15.随机需求下连锁零售企业的LIRP问题集成优化研究            钱叶霞,陈湉

Research on Integrated LIRP Optimization for Chain Retail Enterprises with Stochastic Demand

QIAN Yexia, CHEN Tian

16.基于模糊层次分析法的农产品跨境电商物流模式选择          王会颖,邓方江

Selection of Agricultural Products Cross-border E-commerce Logistics Mode Based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process

WANG Huiying, DENG Fangjiang

17.疫情下基于petri网的国际航空货运进口流程建模与分析        丁兆军,石丽娜

Modeling and Analysis of International Air Cargo Import Process Based on Petri Nets under Epidemic Outbreak

DING Zhaojun, SHI Lina

18.疫情防控背景下城市快递末端配送满意度调查                        胡茜

Research on Satisfaction of Urban Express Terminal Delivery under Background of Epidemic Prevention and Control

HU Qian



Spatial Layout Analysis of E-commerce Logistics Enterprises in Zhengzhou Based on POI Data

HUANG Guangzhi, HUANG Jincan, ZHANG Chenhui, et al.



Urban Logistics Demand Forecasting Model Based on Market Segmentation Theory and its Applicationa Case Study of Guangzhou

YI Bin, SONG Cheng, XING Xiaohui, et al.

21.改进蚁群算法在低碳冷链物流路径优化中的应用           周纹萱,徐伟

Application of Improved Ant Colony Algorithm in Low-carbon Cold Chain Logistics Routing Optimization

ZHOU Wenxuan, XU Wei



22.基于双渠道闭环供应链的退役飞机回收决策分析            赵桂红,荆俞滋

Analysis of Decision-making in Decommissioned Aircraft Recycling in Dual-channel Closed-loop Supply Chain

ZHAO Guihong, JING Yuzi

23.碳中和奖惩下考虑环境目标的闭环供应链决策与协调        高天,申彦,廖培懿,等

Decision-making and Coordination of An Environmentally-concerned Closed-loop Supply Chain under Carbon-neutrality Merit System

GAO Tian, SHEN Yan, LIAO Peiyi, et al.

24.基于KMV模型航运供应链金融信用风险测度研究                   高建豪,闫磊

Research on Measurement of Financial Credit Risk of Shipping Supply Chain Based on KMV Model

GAO Jianhao, Yan Lei

25.后疫情时代来宾市应急供应链抗风险能力评估                 覃兆祥,邓芊芊

Evaluation on Risk Resistance Capacityof Emergency Supply Chain in Laibin in Post Epidemic Era

QIN Zhaoxiang, DENG Qianqian





Kinematic Analysis and Improved Design of a Type of Four-way Shuttle In-situ 90° Reversing Mechanism

GAN Yu, LIU Ming, GU Huiqing

27.采用液压制动机构的小型无动力平板拖车设计                 朱玲丽,严平

Design of Small Unpowered Flatbed Trailer Using Hydraulic Braking Mechanism

ZHU Lingli, YAN Ping




28.危险货物道路运输电子运单联网查询技术框架研究        田诗慧,范文姬,赵亿滨

Research on Technical Framework for Electronic Waybill Online Query in Highway Transportation of Dangerous Goods

TIAN Shihui, FAN Wenji, ZHAO Yibin





29.《采购管理》课程思政元素融入教学的探索与实践               李傲寒

Teaching Exploration and Practice of Procurement Management Course Integrated with Ideological and Political Elements

LI Aohan

30.智慧物流背景下职业院校现代物流管理专业培养模式改革研究       王丽丹

Training Mode Reform of Modern Logistics Management Specialty in Vocational Colleges under Background of Intelligent Logistics

WANG Lidan

相关文章 | 多维度评价
6. 2023-09目录
物流技术    2023, 42 (09): 1-.  
摘要   PDF (12653KB)  


基于CiteSpace的绿色港口研究热点及前沿分析         马骥,申彦

Analysis of Hotspots and Frontiers of Green Port Researches Based on CiteSpace


央企司库体系下供应链金融服务平台研究             王润泽,付雅儒

Research on Supply Chain Finance Service Platform under Central EnterpriseTreasury System

WANG Runze, FU Yaru

数字孪生技术在物流领域的应用探究              刘如意,阮晓华,李旭东

Research on Application of Digital Twin Technology in Logistics

LIU Ruyi, RUAN Xiaohua, LI Xudong

内河大型散货智慧港口规划及关键技术研究        汤文治,王立平,郭云山

Research on Planning and Key Technologies for Inland River Large Bulk Cargo Smart Ports

TANG Wenzhi, YIN Zhengxing, WANG Liping, et al.

浅析铁路汽车物流运营保障能力的提升途径              代方会

A Brief Essay on Ways to Improve Operation Support Capabilities Railway Logistics of Commodity Automobiles

Dai Fanghui

论大车队模式                                         盛玉奎

On Large Fleet Mode





长江中游城市群31市物流竞争力层级划分     石学刚,罗荣

Classification of Logistics Competitiveness of 31 Cities of Urban Cluster in Yangtze River Middle Reaches

SHI Xuegang, LUO Rong

基于Markov-BP神经网络的武汉市物流需求预测      汪勇,廖倩茹,蒲秋梅

Forecasting of Logistics Demand in Wuhan Based on Markov-BP Neural Network

WANG Yong1, LIAO Qianru1, AI Xueyi, et al.

突发事件下应急冷链供应链韧性评价及提升策略    陈柯君,王永刚,刘海斌,等

Strategy for Evaluation and Improvement of Resilient Emergency Cold Chain Supply Chain

CHEN Kejun, WANG Yonggang, LIU Haibin, et al.

物流产业集聚对碳中和效果的作用测度及其作用机制      李忠艳

Measurement of Effect and Action Mechanism of Logistics Industrial Agglomeration on Carbon Neutrality

Li Zhongyan

黄河流域物流-经济耦合协调时空演化研究                强梦军

Spatio-temporal Evolution of Logistics and Economy Coupling Coordination in Yellow River Basin

QIANG Mengjun

跨境电商保税仓与海外仓模式选择                 陈晓斐

Research on Selection of Bonded Warehouses and Overseas Warehouse Mode for Cross-border E-businesses

CHEN Xiaofei

考虑努力的平台物流服务策略选择                  李智辉

Selection of Platform Logistics Service Strategies Considering Level of Effort

LI Zhihui

基于DEMATEL/ISM的应急物流配送效率的影响因素分析  李杰,郭永辉

Analysis of Factors Affecting Emergency Logistics Distribution Efficiency Based on DEMATEL-ISM

LI Jie, GUO Yonghui

中欧班列回程集拼中心选址与路径优化         黄程浩

Site Selection of Consolidation CenterandReturn Route Optimization for China-Europe Railway Express

HUANG Chenghao



我国跨国制造企业供应链结构与协同机制            林兵,李儒晶,张西林

Supply Chain Structure and Coordination Mechanism of Multinational Manufacturing Enterprises in China

LIN Bing, LI Rujing, ZHANG Xilin

电商平台需求信息不同获取方式下供应链均衡决策研究   郭飞宇,朱临轩,陈兆波

Research on Supply Chain Equilibrium Strategy under Different Methodsof Acquisition for E-commerce Platform Demand Information

GUO Feiyu, ZHU Linxuan, CHEN Zhaobo

考虑环境NGO的电子废弃物线上线下回收三方合作博弈  兰迎迎,张华,马超

Three-party Cooperative Game for Online-and-offline Recycling of Electronic Wastes Considering Environmental NGOs

LAN Yingying, ZHANG Hua, MA Chao

基于碳足迹的再制造产品供应链碳成本模型构建研究    黄静文,周敏

Construction of Carbon Cost Model of Remanufactured Product Supply Chain Based on Carbon Footprint

HUANG Jingwen, NI Fangliang, ZHOU Min

碳交易下政府与制造企业碳减排演化博弈               兰智谦

Evolutionary Game of Carbon Emissions Reduction in Carbon Trading between Government and Manufacturing Enterprises

LAN Zhiqian




动力总成制造中拉动式投料系统设计          杨李安卓,李健驰,陈佳

Design of Pull-type Feeding System in Powertrain Manufacturing

YANG Li'anzhuo, LI Jianchi, CHEN Jia

F公司后市场备件库存管理优化策略研究        杨柳,刘英男,马欣

Optimization Strategies of After-sale Spare Part Inventory Management of Company F

YANG Liu, LIU Yingnan, MA Xin







一种折板式提升机的效率提升策略研究      钟亮,彭云俊,陆云飞

Efficiency Improvement Strategy for a Type of Folding Board Continuous Elevator

ZHONG Liang, PENG Yunjun, LU Yunfei

基于Ansys Workbench的堆垛机立柱动态性能分析及改进 孙永清,马玉保,张鹏飞

Analysis and Improvement of Dynamic Performance of Stacker Crane Column Based on Ansys Workbench

SUN Yongqing, MA Yubao, ZHANG Pengfei

半在线大尺寸AGV电气控制系统研究             刘琼琼

Design of Electrical Control System for Semi-online Large AGVs

LIU Qiongqiong




基于数字孪生和深度强化学习的无人仓储资源调度研究  叶旭乾,王丹,刘一阳,等

Scheduling Optimization for Unmanned Warehouses Based on Digital Twin and Deep Reinforcement Learning

YE Xuqian, WANG Dan, LIU Yiyang, et al.

基于飞毯智能技术的仓库优化设计    高黎樊,汪传雷,杨雨欣,等

Optimal Warehouse Design Based on Flying Carpet Intelligent Technology

GAO Lifan, WANG Chuanlei, YANG Yuxin, et al.

基于微信小程序的冷链物流监控管理系统设计   邵海龙,陈丽萍,董毓淇

Design of Cold Chain Logistics Monitoring and Management System Based on WeChat Applet

SHAO Hailong, CHEN Liping, DONG Yuqi



考虑仓库作业能力限制的器材年度供应任务分配   张育铭,刘世伦,王兵,等

Annual Equipment Supply Task Allocation Considering Warehouse Operating Capacity Limitation

ZHANG Yuming, LIU Shilun, WANG Bing, et al.

基于“作战云”的军事物流保障体系建设问题研究   江航,陈桂明,汪莹,等

Research on Construction of Military Logistics Support System Based on Combat Cloud

JIANG Hang, CHEN Guiming, WANG Ying, et al.

军用车辆器材仓库库房布局优化研究           李庆松,张大鹏

Research on Layout Optimization of Military Vehicle Equipment Warehouse

LI Qingsong, ZHANG Dapeng

基于区块链的军事供应链数据隐私共享技术研究   唐奕,曹源,邓罡,等

Research on Data Privacy Sharing Technology for Military Supply Chain Based on Blockchain

TANG Yi, CAO Yuan, DENG Gang, et al.




基于认知度调查和QFD的运筹学课程思政教学设计     蒲国利,汪文茹

Teaching Design of Ideological and Political Education of Operational Research Course Based on Cognition Survey and QFD

PU Guoli, WANG Wenru

党的二十大精神融入高校物流管理课程思政建设研究       陈亮君

Integrating Spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China into Ideological and Political Education of College Logistics Management Courses

CHEN Liangjun



Exploration and Practice of Teaching Reform for Logistics Cost Management Course Based on OBE Concept in Context of Digital Transformation

HAO Li, SHEN Qi, YANG Yujuan



Thoughts on Talent Training Reform of Logistics Management Specialty in Local Application-oriented Undergraduate Universities under Background of Modern Industrial College Construction

CEN Wenjing


—以“物流系统建模与仿真”课程为例                 刘海斌,程玉芳

Research on Online and Offline Blended Teaching Design Based on Fanya Platform and BOPPPS Model: Taking Logistics System Modeling and Simulation Course as Example

LIU Haibin, CHENG Yufang

基于复合型人才需求的校企协同案例教学模式研究与实践  吕志军,王庆霞,季霞,等

Research and Practice on School-enterprise Collaborative Case Teaching Mode Based on Demand for Compound Talents

LV Zhijun, WANG Qingxia, JI Xia, et al.

“双碳”目标下高职“物流成本管理”课程思政实践探析         陈瑞

Analysis of Ideological and Political Education via Higher Vocational Logistics Cost Management Course in Context of Carbon Peaking and Neutrality


物流管理1+X”证书考证培训混合式教学模式研究         王道勇

Research on 1+X Certification and Training Hybrid Teaching Mode of Logistics Management Specialty

WANG Daoyong



Research on Reform of Teaching Content and Teaching Method of Higher Vocational Modern Logistics Management Specialty in Context of Smart Logistics

ZHANG Ling, LAO Guowei, WU Kexiong


高职物流产业学院探索实践与发展建议研究——以唯品会学院为例   王利芳

Exploration, Practice and Development Suggestion of Higher Vocational Logistics Industrial Colleges: Taking VIPS College as Example

WANG Lifang



相关文章 | 多维度评价
7. 2023-08目录
物流技术    2023, 42 (08): 1-.  
摘要   PDF (12644KB)  


1.基于集成场产业联动模式的高质量发展动力机制及优化路径   董千里,董展

Dynamic Mechanism and Optimization Path for High-quality Development Based on Integrated Field Industrial Linkage Mode

DONG Qianli, DONG Zhan

2.基于招聘需求信息的物流和供应链人才培养    汪传雷,杨依婉,秦浩,等

Research on Cultivation of Logistics and Supply Chain Talents Based on Recruitment Demand Information

WANG Chuanlei, YANG Yiwan, QIN Hao, et al.



Evolution, Hotspot and Trends of Green Logistics Researches in China: a Visual Analysis Based on Citespace

DING Zhiwen



Construction of Professional Ability Quality Standard System for Rural Logistics Talent Training in Context of Chinese-style Modernization

DENG De’ai, YUAN Shijun

5.基于复杂网络的供应链网络演化研究综述             杨丽,刘春燕,李弘

Literature Review on Supply Chain Network Evolution Based on Complex Network Theory

YANG Li, LIU Chunyan, LI Hong

5+1.“互联网+”背景下农产品物流标准体系优化路径        胡毅,李星,唐朝丰

Optimization Path of Agricultural Product Logistics Standard System in Context of "Internet +"

HU Yi, LI Xing, TANG Chaofeng



6.基于P-中位模型的高速铁路快运网络枢纽节点城市选址研究  郑兴无,杜文娟

Research on Site Selection of High-speed Railway Express Network Hub Cities Based on P-median Model

ZHENG Xingwu, DU Wenjuan

7.城市口粮应急供应的多级覆盖选址模型研究    李凤廷,豆佳璇,刘思彤,等

Research on Multi-level Coverage Site Selection Model of Urban Grain Emergency Supply

LI Fengting, DOU Jiaxuan, LIU Sitong, et al.



AGV Path Planning Integrating Improved A* Algorithm and Dynamic Window Method

FANG Dianjun, WANG Shaojie, JIANG Hongyan, et al.

8.铁路整车运输作业流程优化                     胡贵彦,李明阳,苗佳禧

Optimization of Railway Vehicle Transportation Operation Process

HU Guiyan, LI Mingyang, MIAO Jiaxi

9.考虑拥堵的集装箱海运链不同合作模式的选择       郑嘉林,汪传旭,蒋璐

Cooperation Mode Selection for Container Shipping Chain Considering Congestion

ZHENG Jialin, WANG Chuanxu, JIANG Lu

11.后疫情时代冷链物流中心选址及其方法研究       吴暖,谭力旗,尤恽

Method of Site Selection for Cold Chain Logistics Center in Post-Covid Era

WU Nuan, TAN Liqi, YOU Yun



Impact of Coupling and Coordination of Port Logistics and Foreign Trade on Trade Scale in Guangxi

OUYANG Xuelian, ZHU Fangyang

13.基于模糊层次分析法的无人机运输效能评估研究           袁子怡,曾勇

Evaluation of UAV Transport Efficiency Based on Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process

YUAN Ziyi, ZENG Yong

14.直播带货供应链下食品质量监管四方演化博弈分析      王建华,王可凡

Four-party Evolutionary Game of Food Quality Supervision for Live-streaming E-commerce Supply Chain

WANG Jianhua, WANG Kefan



Study on Coupling and Coordination of Urbanization and E-commerce Logistics in Shaan-Gansu-Ningxia Revolutionary Base under County-area Agricultural and Rural Digitization

WANG Zhe, PU Zhixuan, HUANG Juan, et al.


Roger Lloret-Batlle,林森,郭杰群

Research on Container Ship ETA Prediction Based on Machine Learning


21.基于耦合模型的福州都市圈区域物流与区域经济协调发展研究   邓熠

Coordination of Regional Logistics and Economy in Fuzhou Metropolitan Area Based on Coupling Model


23.基于ISM-ANP的农产品冷链物流影响因素研究  徐文平,邹雅倩

Research on Influencing Factors of Agricultural Products Cold Chain Logistics Based on ISM-ANP

XU Wenping, ZOU Yaqian

23+1.基于熵权物元分析法的物流园区服务能力评价          杨晓,马悦梅

Evaluation of Logistics Park Service Capabilities Based on Entropy Weight Matter-element Analysis

YANG Xiao, MA Yuemei



26.碳交易机制下闭环供应链的决策研究         王建华,陈慧敏

Research on Decision-making of Closed-loop Supply Chain under Carbon Trading Mechanism

WANG Jianhua, CHEN Huimin

27.基于区块链和消费者绿色偏好的肉制品双渠道供应链决策模型      胡静仪

A Dual-channel Supply Chain Decision Model for Meat Products Based on Blockchain and Consumer Green Preference

HU Jingyi

28+1.基于贝叶斯网络的汽车供应链的风险识别与评估                   胡梦婷

Risk Identification and Evaluation of Automobile Supply Chain Based on Bayesian Network

HU Mengting



31.基于Petri网和Flexsim模型的注塑生产线仿真与优化    张颖,赵京鹤

Simulation and Optimization of Injection Molding Production Line Based on Petri Net and Flexsim

ZHANG Ying, ZHAO Jinghe



32+1.拆叠框RGV在长杆件领域的设计应用及改进         白新河,李增文

Design and Improvement of Disassembly Frame RGV in Field of Long Rod Application

BAI Xinhe, LI Zengwen



33.新形态教材建设与实践应用研究              刘伟男,齐继东

Research on Construction and Practical Application of New Form Textbooks

LIU Weinan, QI Jidong



Teaching Innovation of Procurement Management Course Based on Improvement of Students' Core Literacy

LI Jinhua, TIAN Qiang, YU Lijing, et al.


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